RANTISODE: There’s No Time & I’m Annoyed
This is going to be a terrible blog. Terrible and short. It’s been months since I’ve published anything here. MONTHS. I have topics. I’m aggravated. The world is simultaneously on fire and underwater. There is PLENTY to discuss.
But you know what there isn’t plenty of? Time.
There’s no time. I hear my mom justifiably say, “You make time for the things that are important.” And on one hand, that’s true. On the other hand, working full time, having a toddler full time, being exhausted full time – I’m at capacity. We’re all at capacity, right?
I’m writing this because maybe, just maybe if I write something – even something bad – perhaps it will motivated me to keep writing. And to keep publishing.
So here I am, publishing this garbage that says virtually nothing so that it might possibly be a first step to motivate me to continue writing. And maybe next time, it will have a bit more substance.
Ranty Em, out.